Thursday, November 25, 2010

What is Rebounding?

Rebounding is an exercise that is a therapeutic movement on a mini-trampoline.  They also call it a cellular exercise because it is involved with moving all parts of the body.  We all have many systems in our body that perform different bodily functions.  The heart pumps the blood to different parts of the body is one example of this.  We also have a system called the lymphatic system (white blood system) but this system does not have a pump.  The only thing that makes this system work is movement.  When movement stimulates the lymph system it moves the lymph fluid around the body, which removes toxins and delivers vital nutrients to the cells.

When using rebounding as an exercise it is one exercise that is superior to any other because it uses gravity and two other forces known as acceleration and deceleration.  When you are bouncing and are at the top of your bounce you experience weightlessness, and when you are at the bottom of your bounce your weight ends up doubling pulling you into the center of the rebounder.

Main Benefits of Rebounding

a) As we said before, rebounding is a CELLULAR EXERCISE, which in turn will strengthen every cell in the body.
b) Rebounding is 68% more effective then your regular exercises because:
Acceleration and deceleration are in effect which doubles your weight at the bottom of the bounce.  Because of this effect you can do what would take 1hr of regular exercise and do it in 30 minutes on a rebounder.
Rebounding is also gentler on the knees and ankles unlike other exercises.  

c) Rounding and DETOXIFICATION EFFECTS.  This is all done by the lymphatic system, which cleans and brings nutrients to the billions of cells throughout the body.  The system only works by the movement of our body, which makes rebounding an excellent tool in doing this.

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