Monday, November 22, 2010

Rebounding is a cellular exercise (it strengthens every cell)

To determine a person’s health will depend on how well the billions of cells that make up the body are functioning.    All the cells in the body need plenty of oxygen and essential nutrients, which will create the energy necessary for optimal performance.  When circulation slows down so does the removal of wastes, toxins, and plasma proteins causing it to be garbage landfill around the cell walls.

Once you have reached adulthood your body consists of billions and billions of cells that try to maintain themselves against all odds that surround them.  Cells multiple and enlarge to keep up with the demands of the body.  Rebounding provides a low impact aerobic exercise for your cells.

You can ‘overstress’ cells, while doing any aerobic exercise, which cause rupture of the cell, and injury is sustained. 

You can also apply ‘too little stress’, and this can cause cells to degenerate and weaken.  With rebounding you ‘stress’ the cells perfectly which causes a cleansing and makes the cell strong.

It’s important to remember that every cell in your body depends on a rich supply of oxygen and essential nutrients that come from your food.

Exercise becomes truly beneficial when you increase the flow of blood and lymph, and stimulate the respiratory system to deliver more oxygen to the cells.  Rebounding does exactly all these things and in return you have stronger cells.

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