Friday, December 3, 2010

Requirement of Effective Exercise: Part III Endurance

When you Rebound you fulfill the four requirement of an effective exercise:
·        Strength (covered in Part I)
·        Aerobic capability (covered in Part II)
·        Flexibility (covered in Part II)
·        Endurance 


Everyone wants endurance, not just the athletic type.  Not one likes to feel the afternoon droop and end of going to bed while the sun is still out.  I think most people want to have enough energy to be able to function throughout the whole day and to also have the muscle strength and endurance to be able to ac accomplish whatever task is presented or that we decide to do.   Muscular endurance is important.  It’s also important from a nutritional point of view in getting enough of the right and good kind of food to be able to have the fuel necessary for the day.  We call that metabolic endurance.

Exercise doesn’t that make you tired?  You would think that it would and in some cases it might.  When you exercise with a rebounder you are working your body at the cellular level.  There’s a system called the mitochondria also known as the power plant or furnace and produces energy for the cells in your body.  It does this by taking glucose and oxygen and transforming it into energy.  When we exercise the mitochondria can divide and create many more mitochondria if needed.  When our body is done with exercise the mitochondria goes back to normal or the same number of mitochondria.  By having regular workouts the body is awake and knows how to regulate our energy source, which will make us feel a whole lot better throughout the day.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Requirement of Effective Exercise: Part II Advantages of Aerobic Effect & Flexibility

When you Rebound you fulfill the four requirement of an effective exercise:

Strength (covered in Part I)

Aerobic capability



Advantages of Aerobic Effect

When you rebound you get a great aerobic workout and this provides two of the greatest benefits: increase of oxygen and the stimulation of the lymph system.  Together these two great systems help in burning more calories, destroying toxins, getting rid of waste, and delivering the vital nutrients required to survive.  Rebounding increases the stimulation of these two systems and is vital to optimal health.    


Rebounding not only is 68% more effective then regular exercise but it is also provides 87% less stress and strain to the knees and ankles when bouncing.   Rebounding is the perfect way to warm up and relax the body and this will help with flexibility.  There are various different exercises that you can perform on the rebounder.  We will discuss some of these in a later posting.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Requirement of Effective Exercise: Part I Strengthening

When you Rebound you fulfill the four requirement of an effective exercise:
·        Strength
·        Aerobic capability
·        Flexibility
·        Endurance


When you think of strength training you would normally think of body builders.  Strength training is one of the vital requirements in living a healthy lifestyle.  Rebounding, being a resistance exercise, helps to keep the muscles strong and flexible while also strengthening the bones.  Rebounding is an effective way to use all the muscles in the body while putting a healthy stress on the bones.  Doing this daily will help the improvement of physical appearance, athletic power and metabolic function.  For weight loss, rebounding increases metabolism, tones and slims the body.  Strength training is vital to staying trim and slim because of the fact that muscle burns more calories then fat.  So, by building more muscle your body will burn off more fat.  Strength training does more then help with physical things, it also helps in the release of endorphins which helps people with depression, anxiety and stress.

Strength training through rebounding is the perfect way to stay fit and healthy while aging.  It increases your metabolism, which in turn gives your energy levels a boost.  You receive an increase of blood flow, which helps with keeping your skin and hair healthy.  Your bones will receive an increase in bone mineral density and has also been shown to improve balance, which helps against falls.

The main point that we are trying to make is that strength training with a rebounder helps in providing the essentials for life to exist through the billions of cells throughout our body.  Those essentials are oxygen, nutrients and removal of waste products.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What is Rebounding?

Rebounding is an exercise that is a therapeutic movement on a mini-trampoline.  They also call it a cellular exercise because it is involved with moving all parts of the body.  We all have many systems in our body that perform different bodily functions.  The heart pumps the blood to different parts of the body is one example of this.  We also have a system called the lymphatic system (white blood system) but this system does not have a pump.  The only thing that makes this system work is movement.  When movement stimulates the lymph system it moves the lymph fluid around the body, which removes toxins and delivers vital nutrients to the cells.

When using rebounding as an exercise it is one exercise that is superior to any other because it uses gravity and two other forces known as acceleration and deceleration.  When you are bouncing and are at the top of your bounce you experience weightlessness, and when you are at the bottom of your bounce your weight ends up doubling pulling you into the center of the rebounder.

Main Benefits of Rebounding

a) As we said before, rebounding is a CELLULAR EXERCISE, which in turn will strengthen every cell in the body.
b) Rebounding is 68% more effective then your regular exercises because:
Acceleration and deceleration are in effect which doubles your weight at the bottom of the bounce.  Because of this effect you can do what would take 1hr of regular exercise and do it in 30 minutes on a rebounder.
Rebounding is also gentler on the knees and ankles unlike other exercises.  

c) Rounding and DETOXIFICATION EFFECTS.  This is all done by the lymphatic system, which cleans and brings nutrients to the billions of cells throughout the body.  The system only works by the movement of our body, which makes rebounding an excellent tool in doing this.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Rebounding is a cellular exercise (it strengthens every cell)

To determine a person’s health will depend on how well the billions of cells that make up the body are functioning.    All the cells in the body need plenty of oxygen and essential nutrients, which will create the energy necessary for optimal performance.  When circulation slows down so does the removal of wastes, toxins, and plasma proteins causing it to be garbage landfill around the cell walls.

Once you have reached adulthood your body consists of billions and billions of cells that try to maintain themselves against all odds that surround them.  Cells multiple and enlarge to keep up with the demands of the body.  Rebounding provides a low impact aerobic exercise for your cells.

You can ‘overstress’ cells, while doing any aerobic exercise, which cause rupture of the cell, and injury is sustained. 

You can also apply ‘too little stress’, and this can cause cells to degenerate and weaken.  With rebounding you ‘stress’ the cells perfectly which causes a cleansing and makes the cell strong.

It’s important to remember that every cell in your body depends on a rich supply of oxygen and essential nutrients that come from your food.

Exercise becomes truly beneficial when you increase the flow of blood and lymph, and stimulate the respiratory system to deliver more oxygen to the cells.  Rebounding does exactly all these things and in return you have stronger cells.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rebounding's stabilizing effect on the nervous system

How would you like to be put into a trance like state where you are able to relieve stress from your body?  Rebounding and jumping on the trampoline will do just that!  During jumping and rebounding your nervous system stabilizes causing the release of stress.  This not only happens during your exercise, but also will help continue to maintain your stability once you step off the trampoline. 
The result:
·         You will increase your resistance to environmental, physical, emotional, and mental stress.
·         It may also aid an individual in being able to avoid psychosomatic disease and mental or behavioral instability. 
Rebounding and jumping on the trampoline can be a life long adventure that can be enjoyed over and over again.  Not only that but you are able to adjust it to your own personal level of fitness.   Put it to the test and try rebounding and  find out how much stress it will relieve you of.  I think you will be surprised!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Rebounding Oxygenating Effect

If you meet these next requirements you are more then likely never to experience or develop a heart problem unless you already have one.
1.    Have a resting heart rate of less than 60 beats a minute.
2.    Are not experiencing chest pains.
3.    Are engaged in a healthy lifestyle.
4.    Put forth a effort in doing rebounding for 40 minutes or more a day, at least five days a week

When you are rebounding or jumping on a trampoline you hit your target heart rate zone when you do it for the recommended 40 minutes. 
When you rebound and jump it strengthens your heart in the next two ways:

1.    The muscle itself is improved, toned, making it a better quality.
2.    The fibers coordination is increased as they wring blood out of the heart during each beat.

The effect of an aerobic workout like that of rebounding-jumping normally will supersede that of running. 

The measurements of the effects of rebounding/jumping will very depending on how hard and how high you will jump.  Rebounding/jumping create an oxygenating exercise and will work at any rate of performance.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rebounding and Children... just pure jumping pleasure for children

As I think of how the trampoline affected me as a child I come up with a list of reasons why the trampoline was so beneficial to me during my growing up years. 
#1 As a child I think that the trampoline gave me a boost of self esteem and self confidence.  Every time I learned a new trick it made it so much easier to try something else.  I think this has helped me in my everyday life by knowing if I try something long enough and practice at it that I can achieve success. 
#2 The trampoline created great moments in forming friendships and creating socializing time.
#3 I loved sleeping on the trampoline.  By doing so I was able to fall asleep looking up at the stars, planets and galaxies!  It was a great chance to relax and look at the creations of the Almighty.
#4 The trampoline was a great way to give off some energy and keep me fit and healthy at the same time.  I can recount spending many hours on the trampoline.  This had to be beneficial to me as a child!
Overall the trampoline was a good thing for my childhood experience.  Of course you want to follow the safety guidelines so that your experience will be a good one as was mine on the trampoline.  Even though I’m 30, talking about all the fun I had as a child on the trampoline makes me want to get out there and jump!  Happy Jumping!
P.S.  I can still do a back flip!  

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Immune Systems benefits of Rebounding

The part of the body that is the garbage can that houses all the harmful toxins, dead cells, cancer cells and foreign substances is called the lymphatic system.

To protect the body from cancer cells, fungi, viruses or bacteria the system works together with white blood cells in the lymph nodes to combat these things from infecting the body.

Your immune organs are linked by lymphatic vessels, which include your bone marrow, tonsils, thymus, lymph nodes and your spleen.  This network is very busy and produces and circulates blood cells and antibodies to be able to fight infection, filter bacteria, and eliminate parasites and debris out of your bodies system.

The activation of lymph is the most effective in combating modern-day illnesses because they are immune related. The lymphatic system has no pump like the heart.  Any type of movement or exercise will stimulate the movement of lymph fluid inside the vessels, but the most effective way is rebounding or jumping on the trampoline due to the forces involved when bouncing. 

When you are rebounding or jumping on a trampoline you get the effects called G-forces, which cause a vertical up and down movement.  This movement causes the lymph valves to open and close creating a flow of lymph.  By bouncing you get an increase of flow of up to 15 times which will boost your immune system and creates the perfect pump for your lymphatic system.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Trampoline Safety

By following these simple rules you will avoid having accidents and injuries while jumping on the trampoline. 

Here are some trampoline safety tips so that you only have good memorable experiences with the trampoline!

  • ·         Don’t be trying any somersaults.  There have been serious injuries; paralysis and even death being the result of trying somersaults.
  • ·         Never have more then one person jumping at a time.  The accidents that happen normally occur when there is more then 1 person jumping at the same time. 
  • ·         Always have mature supervision and spotters when jumping.
  • ·         Do not use a ladder or step stool giving access to toddlers.
  • ·         Never use the trampoline while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other medications.
  • ·         Never jump on another person’s trampoline without the permission of the owner.
  • ·         Never use the trampoline as a springboard to another object or surface.
  • ·         Always remove jewelry and sharp objects from pockets before jumping.
  • ·         Make sure to inspect for worn out parts or missing parts before jumping.
  • ·         Only jump when physically able.  If you are pregnant, have circulatory ailments, tired or short of breath you shouldn’t jump.
  • ·         You can focus your eyes on the edge of the trampoline, which will help keep your balance to the center of the mat.
  • ·         Try not to balance too high. You can stop your balance by flexing or bending your knees as your feet come in contact with the mat.
  • ·         Always keep objects off the trampoline that could interfere with a persons jumping.
  • ·         Keep the trampoline on a level surface.  Never place the trampoline on concrete, asphalt, compacted day or other hard surfaces.
  • ·         If you have any more specific questions you can contact the manufacturer of the trampoline. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rebounding for Detoxific

Rebounding and jumping on the trampoline is a way to reduce body fat while firming body tissues without requiring a lot of stress.  Running in place on the rebounder or trampolines will burn the calories effectively while helping your body detox.

The metabolic garbage can of the body known as the lymphatic system rids you of toxins such as dead ad cancerous cells, nitrogenous wastes, fat, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other assorted junk cast off by the cells. The optimum running performance of this system is vital to the overall health of one’s body.  When you do rebounding and jumping on the trampoline, those movements performed provides the energy component for a free-flowing system that gets ride of these potential poisons. 

There is no pump for the lymphatic system like that of the arterial system.  The arterial system has a heart muscle to move its fluid.  Since the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the heart it has to be activated so that the flow of lymph moves away from the tissues that it is servicing and back into the main pulmonary circulation.   For this activation to happen it requires the contraction of muscle from exercise and movement, gravitational pressure, and internal message to the valves of lymph ducts. 

When you are rebounding and jumping you are activating the lymph system, which in return removes waste products from the cells and from the body.  The cells are rejuvenated with food and oxygen by the arterial system.  When bouncing, the lymph system goes through this recycling and rejuvenating cycles many times.

Rebouding and jumping is a lymphatic exercise.   It rides your body of toxic waste and replaces it with nutrients vital to the bodies overall health.  I would recommend it to anyone!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Benefits of Rebounding

One form of exercise that I really love is jumping on the trampoline and mini trampoline.  Throughout the day I jump many times while I’m listening to podcasts and music on my iPod or watch TV if I’m inside. 

The average trampoline is 14 foot across and 3 feet tall and for the mini trampoline its 3 feet wide and 9 inches high.  If used correctly the trampoline and mini trampoline are safe and easy to use and most of all an effective way to exercise.  Some scientists through research have come to the conclusion that rebounding and jumping could be the most effective exercise yet devised by man; especially in response to the effect rebounding and jumping has on the lymph in the body.

The most important thing about rebounding and jumping it that it is FUN, and because of that we stick with it!  Children as you have noticed naturally enjoy jumping on the bed.  Astronauts experience floating in space, which is the same thing your body experiences when rebounding and jumping.  Your body when jumping is in a state of weightlessness at the top of the bounce. 

The trampoline and mini trampoline put the body to gravitational pulls depending on how high the person is rebounding. Rebounding does not put extreme stress on certain joints like that of jogging. Rebounding affects all the joints and cells in the body equally.  Plus you don’t have to worry about cars, dogs or bad weather.

To have FUN or exercise while having FUN is what the trampoline and mini-trampoline are all about.  I can count countless days and nights with jumping on the trampoline, doing tricks, hanging out with friends, and clear nights of watching the stars while being on the trampoline. 

The trampoline is one of the best investments to have for your children and for yourself to endless fun and being able to stay fit by using it for exercise.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trampoline benefits for Lymphatic System

The human body is made to move.  The lymph system is made to bathe the cells, and carries vital nutrients to the cell and then carries waste away from the cell.  Like the heart is made to pump blood, lymph is totally dependent on the movement of the body to be able to move.  That’s why physical exercise is so vital to ones complete healthiness.   Without exercise and adequate movement, there is no nutrients or waste removed from the cells leaving them swimming in pool of filth and starving them of vital nutrients.  When this happens it contributes to cancer, arthritis and to other degenerative diseases and also to faster aging.    When you do vigorous exercise like rebounding or jumping on the trampoline it has been reported to increase lymph flow by 15 to 30 times.

When lymph fluid moves it goes though channels called “vessels” which have one way valves making the fluid always move in the same direction. 

The lymph system has its main vessels going up the legs, the arm and the torso.  This is the exact reason why moving vertically up and down which you do when rebounding or jumping on the trampoline is so effective to pump the lymph.     
Why is rebounding or jumping on the trampoline so beneficial to the lymphatic system? When you rebound or jump this has an affect on every organ, which is directly related to how efficient the lymphatic system and the immune system function.  There are many things the lymphatic system does which include being a defense mechanism against infection, viruses, bacteria and disease.   It is built of fluid, vessels and ducts.  When the lymphatic system is functioning at its peak performance, it clears all the toxins we absorb from the environment, wastes and infection from all tissues of the body through proper flow and drainage.  Rebounding and jumping on the trampoline offers many benefits to the lymphatic system and overall health.      

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Trampoline, a Friend Maker

I grew up in a big city with lots of people.  When I was about 12 years old I got the most disappointing news that family was to move to a small city.  As I told my close friends of this sad news one of them that was from a small town told me of a little secret to be able to make new friends.

My friend explained to me about the trampoline.  Living in the city I really didn’t have much experience with the trampoline.  My friend said that by owning a trampoline that it would be an instant friend maker.  He explained that a trampoline is like our city hangout.  With a trampoline it’s a hang out place where you play, talk and have sleep over’s. 

We finally moved and my parents purchased a trampoline.  I was surprised to actually see that I made more friends in a month then I had made living in the previous city.  We had so much fun on that trampoline with countless nights of looking up at the stars.  I’m now converted to the trampoline and the fun and friendships it’s helped me form.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Health Benefits of Trampoline Jumping

Trampolines have been a fun recreational activity for over the past 60 years.  There are a lot of health benefits to owning a trampoline then one might think.  Trampoline jumping actually works some of the major systems of the body: Circulatory, Musculoskeletal, Respiratory, etc.  By working these systems you build a stronger, healthier body which in turn will make you look and feel better.  Below are a few health benefits you will enjoy while jumping on the trampoline.
  • As a cardio workout you will build your circulatory system
  • You will build strong lungs
  • Your body will release endorphins which will make your body feel better
  • It will raise your metabolism
  • It will give lean and strong muscles 

Different brands of trampolines (round, rectangle, square and octagon) and trampoline parts are available.  Call our product specialists for any questions you have 1-888-735-5977. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Trampoline Pads

The Safety Pad is an important component of the trampoline because it is a safeguard from the springs.  Without a pad the jumper could be hurt.   Our pads come in different colors and qualities.  Below is a list of these qualities.

Economy Pads: Made with a Tarp-Like Polyethylene material, the economy pads last up to one year and are offered with a 30 day manufacturer’s warranty.

Standard Pads: Made using 12oz Vinyl top layer and a Tarp-Like Polyethylene bottom material. Offered with a 6 month manufacturer’s warranty.  2-3 Years Expected life.

Standard-Plus Pads: Made using 14oz Vinyl top layer and a weather resistant, highly durable mesh bottom material. Offered with a 6 month manufacturer’s warranty. 3 Years Expected life.

Supreme Pads: Made with 14 oz Vinyl on top and bottom. Offered with a 6 month manufacturer’s warranty. 3-5 years expected life.

Premier Pads: Made with 18oz Vinyl on both sides. Offered with a 1 YEAR MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY. 5+ years expected life.

The Safety Pad is secured by straps to the trampoline.  The quality of the pad will determine how long it will last.  Also where you live will also determine how long the pad will last.

We offer trampoline pads for round, rectangle, octagon and square trampolines.  Order your pad based off your frame size!  To measure you frame you will measure from outside of the metal frame tube, straight across to the opposite side.

Our pads fit all brands of trampolines (Jump King, Hedstrom, JumpSport, Airmaster, Leisure Kingdom, etc.).

Thursday, October 7, 2010

15 Tips for Trampoline Jumping

Below are 15 tips to keep you safe while jumping on the trampoline.  By following these tips you will be less opt to having any accidents.  The trampoline is a fun thing but only when no one gets hurt.

1. Only have one person jumping at a time.  If you have multiple people take turns.  By having multiple people jumping this will raise the risk of getting hurt. The trampoline has a weight limit and if that limit is gone over it will wear out the trampoline parts much faster and may cause accidents.  
2. Make sure all parts are in good working condition.
3. No jumping from other objects (top of house, etc.) onto the trampoline.
4. If you attempt complex trick or somersaults have spotters, and ensure you are experienced and skilled enough to perform these tricks...
5. Place the trampoline away from structures and other play areas. 
6. Ensure that your trampoline is properly assembled in a level area with at least 10 unobstructed feet (3 meters) on all sides and a minimum of 20 unobstructed feet (6 meters) above the trampoline bouncing surface. The area directly below the bouncing surface must be kept clear at all times. 
7. Perform the 'Stop Bounce' after every skill or sequence of skills, or whenever you deviate from the center of the trampoline.
8. Never jump off a trampoline, always climb off.
9. Keep your bouncing low and under control. Consistently land in the center of the trampoline.
10. Do not leave children unsupervised on the trampoline.
11. Avoid bouncing for long periods of time and do not bounce when you are tired.
12. Do not use your backyard trampoline when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
13. Ensure the spotters are always stationed around the trampoline.
14. Master the specified pre-requisites before attempting a new skill.
15. Do not attempt back flips (back somersaults), multiple somersaults or twisting somersaults on your backyard trampoline. 

We carry many different brands of trampolines (round, rectangle, square and octagon) and trampoline parts.  Call one of our product specialists for any questions you have 1-888-735-5977

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trampoline F.U.N!

A trampoline is a device consisting of a piece of taut, strong fabric stretched over a steel frame using many coiled springs. People bounce on trampolines for recreational and competitive purposes.
The first modern trampoline was built in 1936 which shows you the longevity that the trampoline has had and the love that people have for their trampolines.  Trampolines are a fun way to spend time and energy for all ages.  There are many benefits to owning a trampoline and a few of those are listed below.

It is a fun way to get the family and friends together to hang out and play. 
It has many health benefits that work all systems of the body. 
It is also used for practicing many different types of sports (skiing, snowboarding, gymnastics, diving, and more).
It has many things to offer but most of all it offers FUN!  It’s important to be aware that precautions must be taken into account so that jumping on the trampoline is SAFE FUN!  

Trampoline includes the following parts and should be checked to make sure they are in good working conditions:

Mat: also known as the jumping surface.
Pad: provides safety while covering the springs.
Springs: provides the bounce of the mat.
Enclosure System:  Safety netting system that keeps people from falling off the trampoline.
Frame:  Metal tubing that supports all the trampoline components.

We carry many different brands of trampolines (round, rectangle, square and octagon) and trampoline parts.  Call one of our product specialists for any questions you have 1-888-735-5977.